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Wednesday, April 4. 2012

Watch a Thermage CPT and Clear and Brilliant Laser in action and WIN a treatment.

Watch a Thermage CPT and Clear and Brilliant Laser in action and WIN a treatment.





Time: On April 19th 2012 (6pm to 9pm)


Location: The Hotel Wilshire





Penthouse unit


Please come and see a Thermage CPT tighten up the face and neck instantly!


Thermage can be a very effective tool and in experienced hands can result in significant tightening of the face and neck with no downtime. Much safer than Ulthera and practically painless!


We will also demonstrate the new Clear and Brilliant laser in action.


Attend and win a free treatment. We will also offer amazing packages of up to %50 off for one day only!




323 653-7700


Zonya Villatoro


Office manager


Foreveryoung, Inc.





























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