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Thursday, November 14. 2013

Pelleve Skin tightening can improve Acne Scarring

The key to the best possible results when it comes to Acne scarring treatments: use multiple modalities. By using a variety of procedures such as needling, Fat Transfer, TCA Cross, Diolite laser, Cooltouch Lasr, Mixto Laser, Dermabrasion and more, we can achieve a significant and permanent reduction of Acne Scarring.

Our newest tool is the Pelleve Radiofrequency system. Pelleve penetrates 1-2mm into the skin and cause Collagen Remodelling. I have seen a reduction of active acne and tightening of the pores in addition to improvement of superficial acne scars. Deeper scars still benefit from Subcision, Mixto fractional CO2 laser.

Schedule a complementary visit to see Dr. David Rahimi.

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