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Wednesday, February 3. 2010

Can certain foods help you look younger?

Patients often ask me if drinking a lot of water or eating certain types of food can really make you look and feel younger?

The answer is YES.

Drinking clean water is very important. Recent data shows that 3 or 4 glasses a day, in conjunction with a healthy diet, is of paramount importance. The 6-8 glasses of water receommended in the past was not really based on any scientific data.

Certain foods are also high in vitamins A, D, and essential elements can promote a healthier appearing skin. I tell my patients that life is short and tommorrow is not promised to anyone. Eat everything in moderation but make sure to include fresh fruits and vegatables.

Here are some of my favourites:

Grapefruit, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Almonds and Raisons. Fresh Youghurt with live culture is a great way to get plenty of protein, vitamins, and Calcium. The pro-biotic benefits are immense.

Green teas and even Coffee in moderation has now been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Most importantly: A great meal is not complete without a piece of dark Chochlate.

Zei Gesund

Dr. A. David Rahimi


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