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Monday, February 15. 2010

Facelift Touch Ups

Many of my patients ask me questions about touch ups on their facelift. Here are some of the commonly asked questions and their answers:


Will I have more scarring from a touch-up facelift?


The answer is NO. I usually take the old scars out, tighten the muscle from inside, remove excess fat and skin and place the incision inside the ear to achieve a near-invisible scars (see my before and after results). Facelift scars can also be treated with a chemical peel of Fraxel (CO2 Resurfacing) to reduce their appearance.


When should I consider getting a touch-up on my facelift?


Generally speaking facelifts need to be touched up every 10 years or so. In some people they last much longer. Excessive sun exposure or dramatic weight changes can loosen the skin and result in hanging neck and jowl area. In those instances, an earlier touch up may be needed.


Am I too old for a touch up Facelift?


You can have a touch up Facelift if you are in good health and have 2 weeks down time to heal. Age is usually not a limiting factor. A physical exam by your primary care doctor and a medical release is always performed to make sure that you can tolerate the procedure. I often talk with the internist if my patient has diabetes or is suffering from any chronic conditions. We also perform routine blood work before the procedures to check your kidney, liver and blood clothing status.


Hope to see you soon for a private and confidential consultation.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD.


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