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Tuesday, April 27. 2010

What Hollywood wants; A Natural Look.

Once again Hollywood was practicing its culture of excess. Plastic surgery was taking over and famous 22 year old actresses such as Heidi Montag were admitting to 10 surgeries in one day!

I truly believe that the perception of cosmetic surgery is rapidly changing. Hollywood producers are looking for actors and actresses that look natural. Huge breasts and gigantic lips are out and emphasizing natural beauty is back in.

There is nothing wrong with beautiful flawless skin, an angular jaw, perfectly positioned eyebrows, or a shapely body. The back lash is against the poorly executed “Wind Swept” look.

My philosophy from day one has been to “make patients look their best; not someone else”. I often talk patients out of expensive and aggressive procedures and recommend less invasive and conservative procedures. It is all about a sound "maintenance attitude". A good skin regimen, monthly facials or Microdermabrasion, Retin A cream once a week and the occasional ‘Polishing’.

Stay Forever Young.

Hope to see you for a personalized consultation.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD.


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