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Tuesday, April 27. 2010

Pre - Wedding Beauty Tips

The big event is nearing and you want to look your best. My first advice is not to do anything drastic right before the wedding. Redness form a laser or chemical peel procedure can really show in photographs. Green foundation can hide it to some degree but why put yourself in that position in the first place?

Also never try something new right before the wedding. For example don’t try Botox or Dysport for the first time right before the wedding. Even in the best of hands there is a small risk of bruising and drooping. Try to be finished with all your beautification projects at least a month before the wedding. AND don’t forget about him!

Here are some other pointers:

·         Don’t forget about your teeth; inexpensive bleaching trays can do wonders.

·         Have a reasonable exercise regimen- don’t get exhausted before the wedding.

·         Crash Diets won’t make you feel sexy and will work against you in the long run.

·         Get plenty of sleep

We can help if you are experiencing problems right before the wedding. Oxygen facials can reduce swelling and redness. Light glycolic peels and cortisone injections can reduce small cysts. Lasers such as the Diolite (800nm wavelength) can reduce redness and brown spots right away with little or no downtime.

Congratulations and enjoy the process.

Dr. A. David Rahimi


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