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Saturday, May 15. 2010

Is your High School or College Reunion right around the corner?


We all want to look out best. Sometimes it takes a special occasion, such as a reunion, to force us to better take care of ourselves.

One of our specialties is to make our patients look their best for their reunions. I often ask my patients to bring photos of themselves in their 20s and 30s. I look at Cosmetic Surgery as reconstruction.

Here are some simple and non-invasive procedures that can be done even a couple of weeks before the event to make you look your best:

·         Oxygen Facials: Purified Oxygen, mineral, and vitamins are directly infused into the skin. The cost is about $130 and it can make all the difference. Makeup sits better on the skin and pores tighten.

·         Botox and Dysport: We are platinum Members and have 12 years of experience with softening lines and raising the eyebrows without making you look frozen or surprised. Downtime is minimal and results are fantastic.

·         Fillers: Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Radiesse and more. Deep laugh lines are filled and lips can look their best.

·         Light peels: Glycolic and Jessner peels take only one week to heal and give you a glow.

·         Lasers: We have 7 different one s to choose from. From deep CO2 laser, Mixto Fraxel, Cooltouch, to Diolite and Laser hair removal.

·         Light sources: IPL also known as Intense Pulse Light can remove brown spots and fine lines

·         Thermacool: Non-surgical tightening perfected with the new NXT Themage. I lightly sedate my patients with a little Valium to get the best possible results.

Come in a allow us to make you look BEAUTIFUL.

Dr. A. David Rahimi




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