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Thursday, November 4. 2010

Surgical versus Nonsurgical Rejuvenation

You have a choice. Almost everything aesthetic about the face can be performed surgically versus nonsurgical!

·         Eyelid Surgery: Blepharoplasty versus Thermacool/Cooltouch laser/Botox/Dysport

·         Facelift:               Rhytidectomy versus Thermacool/Cooltouch/Fillers such as Radiesse/Juvederm, fat transfer, Mixto CO2 laser.

·         Cheek Implants: Silicone Implant versus fat transfer, Radiesse, Juvederm.

·         Forehead lift:    Endoscopic Lift versus Volume replacement with fat, Thermacool

·         Liposuction:       Coollipo (laser liposuction) versus Coolsculpting (freeze the fat)

·         Wrinkles:            Surgical facelift versus CO2 Mixto Fraxel, chemical peels, filler, fat transfer

We will tailor a treatment that fits your desires, lifestyle and budget. Most of our treatments have minimal to no-down time.

We hope to see you soon for a complimentary consultation.

Thank you.

Zonya Vialltoro

Office manager

Forever Young, Inc.

Tel 323 653-7700


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