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Thursday, November 4. 2010

The art of Subcision and punch excision!

Lasers and chemical peels, in skilled hands, help improve the appearance of acne scarring. Some patients with deeper ice-pick and rolling scars need a more tailored approach. Lasers and peels alone are simply not enough.

Subcision with a No-Kor needle can make all the difference. The needle has a small sharp scalpel like tip that goes under the rolling scars and cuts the fibrous bands. This, in turn, causes bleeding into these newly created spaces. The trauma and the blood causes collagen synthesis and significant improvement of the scars.

Deeper scars need to simply be cut with a round scalpel called a “punch”. These punches come in various sizes: 1mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, etc. After the application of the laser I look at the skin with a strong light at an acute angle. This allows me to see the areas that need more attention. Subcision is performed and deeper scars are excised with the punch and sutured.

Even deep acne scarring can be improved by 40-50 percent this way. A touch up treatments a few months later can increase the improvement to 70-80 percent.

Click on this link and then click on the clinical photographs:

Set 7, 8, and 9 show before and afters of a young patient with deep acne scarring.


We hope to see you soon for a free consultation.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD, FAACS.




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