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Category : General Advice

Saturday, December 28. 2013

Experience Counts; allow us to make you look and feel GREAT


Over the past few months I have had patients who visited us from Canada, Belgium, Germany, and all over the united States (San Francisco, Las Vegas, North Carolina and more) to have their procedures performed. Experience counts. I have personally performed over 100000 laser and Cosmetic procedures since 1994. There is an Art to choosing the right procedure for the right patient. But implementing the treatment regimen is just as important

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”


Quadrafecta refers to a technique of choosing 4 different procedures or devices to achieve the desired result. The emphasis is on “minimally invasive” and “natural appearance”.

 During the consultation process we chose from the following procedures and devices the 4 that will suite you best. Occasionally a fifth procedure is needed to address all the aspects of the aging face.

 Ultherapy (Ulthera)- Ultrasound deep Face, eye and neck lift

Pelleve- superficial Radiofrequency face and neck lift

Mixto Laser _ Co2 fractional laser for fine and deep lines

Fillers- Sculptra, Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane

Chemical Peels- TCA and Jessner Peels

Smartlipo Triplex- fat removal and skin tightening with Smartlipo Laser

IPL Photofacial- Light source to remove brown spots and Blood Vessels

Diolite Laser- Laser to remove larger blood vessels

COOltouch Laser- Non ablative laser to tighten pores

Clear and Brilliant Laser- to remove fine line and brown spots

Thermage CPT- Body lifting with Radiofrequency

Relume- Removal of light scars with focused UVB light

YAG 5 laser- Removal of discoloration and irregular pigmentation

Surgical face and neck lift (Tuliplift)- www.tuliplift.com

Allow me and my team to make you look and feel 10-15 years younger.


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