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Friday, May 9. 2014

Skin Cancer is Real; Hugh Jackman has basal cell Cancer



Hugh Jackman Reveals Another Skin Cancer Scareā€”No More Sun for Him!

Hugh Jackman, Instagram Instagram

We hate to see Hugh Jackman's face going through all this.

But the multitalented Australian actor did his fans yet another good turn by revealing that he needed to have yet another Basal-cell carcinoma removed from his nose.

"All out now. Thanks Dr. Album and Dr. Arian. PLEASE! PLEASE! WEAR SUNSCREEN!" Jackman reminded via Instagram, to which he posted a pic of his bandaged, bearded visage.

A Basal-cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer and is usually entirely treatable, though it can spread and cause damage to surrounding tissue.

Hugh Jackman, Man Bags Humberto Carreno/startraksphoto.com

Jackman also had one removed in November, and he also turned his trip to the doctor at the time into a lesson for us all about the necessity of a good SPF.

The repeat Men's Health cover hunk just made the NYC high-society scene with wife Deborra-Lee Furness on Monday at the Met Gala, Jackman in a Tom Ford tux almost getting the white-tie theme right, minus his black bow tie.

Still in New York, the X-Men: Days of Future past star stopped by Good Morning America today with costars Ellen Page, James McAvoy, Patrick Stewart and producer Lauren Shuler Donner, whom Jackman credits with ensuring that he got the part of Wolverine in the first X-Men, 14 years ago.

The latest film "felt not only like a great reunion but all of us had this great sense of gratitude," he said. "That 14 years later we could play these great parts in a movie which is entertaining but also has something to say. A real blessing."


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