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Thursday, September 12. 2019

Unsightly Facelift scars happen because of these 3 things. We can fix the problem

 Lifting a face is an art. If you pull the skin too much it can stretch back over time and cause white unsightly scars. If you pull the skin in the wrong direction it can cause pleating and irregular folds that don’t look natural. If you don’t put multiple level of sutures and tighten the underlying structure such as the muscle and SMAS everything will unravel over a short period of time and the result is ruined.

If you have unsightly scars from face and neck lift, body lifts and more we can put a comprehensive plan together to improve the scars without cutting surgery.


323 653-7700
#scars #keloids #hypertrophicscar #facelift #necklift #scarrevision #scarremoval #wow #cosmeticsurgery #topdoctor #foreveryoung



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