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Thursday, October 3. 2019

Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift and Breast Reduction scars can be permananetly erased

Before considering a breast lift or tummy tuck you should discuss possible scarring challenges such as the appearence of hypertrophic scars or even keloids with your surgeon.

Some patients have a predisposition to develop thick or discolored scars.

If that happens you should consult with a Dermatologist and plan a series of small laser treatments to remove these scars.

We have 32 different laser and light sources and can put an individualized plan together for you.

Red and pink scars are treated with Diolite laser, IPL, or V beam.

Thick scars are injected with Kenelog 2.5mg and Kenelog 5.0 mg

Wide scars are sometimes revised

Thickened and discolored scars can also br treated with Mixto Fractional Co2 laser, Cooltouch CT3 laserr and Clear and Brillinat laser.

email us for more information




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