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Tuesday, July 20. 2010

Looking More Youthful


One of the most effective ways to look youthful and younger is to pay plenty of attention to your eyes.

Babies and young children have relatively large eyes; this is a sign of youth and beauty. As we age the upper eyelid skin starts to drape over the lid and droops, eyelashes become less dense and short, excess fat and skin accumulates under the eyes, and the eye complex appears smaller. Genetics and continued sun exposure are the major contributing factors.

Here are a few suggestions to rejuvenate your eyes:

1.       Latisse is a great product that thickens lashes- It Simply Works.

2.       Chemical peels and Fraxel lasers can tighten the skin around the eyes

3.       Procedures such as Thermage and Endoscopic Brow lift can raise the eyebrows and open up the eye complex.

4.       Botox and Dysport place between the eyebrow and on the lateral aspect of the eyes can elevate eyebrows without making you look “surprised”.

5.       Fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane and Radiesse can fill in the hollowness under the yes and lift the eye complex by adding to the cheekbones.

6.       Cooltouch lasers build up collagen without the downtime of surgery- 4 to 6 treatments over 4 months are needed to get long lasting results.

One size does not fill all; allow us to design a program that works for you.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD.


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