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Tuesday, November 2. 2010

Drinking Green Tea can help prevent Skin Cancer

I recently read an article in the October issue of the Cosmetic Dermatology Journal that might interest you. I believe the title is self explanatory:

Green Tea and its Photoprotective and Anticarcinogenic Effects on the Skin. This article was written by Matthew Zarraga D.O. and David Judy, D.O.

Vol 23 No.10 October 2010 pages 446-449


The article starts by mentioning that Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world. It continues to details it’s in vivo and in-vitro photo protective and anti-carcinogenic effects.  It concludes by saying that: both oral consumption and topical application of green tea can provide both chemoprotection and photoprotection”.

Look for products with green tea extract in them and try Trader Joe' Green Tea!

Asian countries that consume more green tea are known to have lower risks for many types of cancers. On a personal note: I stopped consuming carbonated drinks a while back. Plenty of water, 2 cups of coffee, and one or two cups of green tea at night have made a big difference in the way I feel.

A. David Rahimi, MD, FAAD,FAACS.


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